Duddenhoe End, Essex
James Blake Associates was commissioned to provide a set of landscape plans and documentation for a planning application and subsequently the schedules for tender to the landscape contractors. Several key landscape and visual considerations were addressed during the design process, taking into account the particularly rich heritage around Elmdon, Essex.…
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Visualisation of Development Proposals
Visualisations are a key part of Landscape and Visual Impact Assessment (LVIA) and Townscape and Visual Impact Assessment (TVIA). They illustrate the likely landscape and visual effects of a proposal and help competent authorities to understand the likely effects. Last September the Landscape Institute published a new Technical Guidance Note…
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Red Lodge, Suffolk
The 300 individual plots contain a series of open space fingers and nodes that include a County Wildlife Site, designated for the rare lowland, rabbit-grazed, lichen heathland. Much of this was lost to bracken encroachment, needing intervention to restore this lowland heath. This constraint and opportunity ensured the need for…
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Sherborne, Dorset
James Blake Associates was commissioned to create beautiful, sustainable, bio-diverse landscaping for this much considered new housing development; landscaping that was sympathetic to the historic, local town, and to it its highly respected natural surroundings. Christopher Trollope, Bovis' Landscape Architect, remained committed to every stage of works. His dedication to…
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Martello Park, Felixstowe
Suffolk Coastal District Council (SCDC) redeveloped the south seafront as part of the wider regeneration of Felixstowe. JBA was invited by Bloor Homes to prep stage 1&2 outline proposals for a masterplan that involved 6 acres of residential development and 11 acres of parkland incorporating an ancient monument – the…
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Landscaping at Stoke Quay, Ipswich
James Blake Associates was commissioned to carry out - concept through to detailed landscape design and working drawings/setting out for the construction of new apartments and underground parking, on the beautiful quayside at the heart of the town of Ipswich. This encompassed landscape handworks and softworks, i.e., surfacing, boundary treatments,…
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Open Space Refurbishment, Island Gardens, London
James Blake Associates was commissioned to carry out concept through to completion, the refurbishment of spaces around an existing apartment block and landscaping within a new development and surrounding streetscape. The design provides a robust and attractive solution with a welcoming frontage, tranquil inner courtyards, areas for sitting, play, and…
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Retaining Woodland At Low Cost
Ipswich, Suffolk Retaining existing trees and habitats is always the best way to landscape open space, but the key is to get the protection in place in advance, (as well as the understorey and habitat). Of course, an unkempt mess is generally not suitable within a development, particularly for the…
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Sprowston, Norfolk Homes
James Blake Associates was commissioned to produce a full set of master-plan drawings for this 164 plot scheme. Once the planning drawings were approved, work began on the detailed hard and soft landscape proposals. These technical drawings were taken forward into stage 5 with the addition of tree pit details…
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