Word on the Street
Why James Blake Associates are trailblazers for trees and greener initiatives that save money and add value.
With our design solutions, you’ll make major net savings for every street tree you plant creating greener, more successful schemes.
At @JamesBlakeAssociates we are cognisant of the NPPF’s requirement for developers to plant more street trees. We are aware that there are significant costs for planting street tress – root barriers, commuted sums for adoption, fancy adoption tree pits (that the Highways Authority are reluctant to adopt).
So how do you save money by planting more street trees?
Designing in more street trees can save paying out for root barriers, commuted sums for adoption and expensive and unadoptable special tree pits.
Utilise green screens replacing brick walls and exploit the key gaps to create pockets for space outside of the highway.
Be clever with corner plots and by taking a bite out of the rear garden: replacing the screen wall with a green screen will give you the net overall build cost saving. Every tree you plant in these pockets that you don’t plant in the highway will make a difference.
James Blake says, “It’s like getting £500 cash back for every tree you plant in our design scheme and sometimes net savings equivalent of up to £4k by not planting the tree in the highway”.
Our Chairman & Founder, James Blake, tells us more in this video blog…
We will be shouting from the treetops with more top tips and exciting news and blogs so watch this green space (www.jba-landmarc.com)
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