Save Millions On Your Next Development Site
Save Millions on your next site: You can do this simply signing up for net bio-diversity gain?
Sound’s crazy – right? Well we think you’ll ‘go wild’ at the savings we can make for you.
So how can you save so much money by embracing what must seem like a tricky sought of approach that has an expensive ring to it’s tone?
Firstly this is not a gimmick – it really is true: Just imagine how this headline might sound to the local planning authority?
Yes – this approach will speed planning and as always with development – time is money:
This is just one strand of JBA’s “Go-Natural – Go Wild” approach: let me show you what this could mean to you…A recent site had a developable area of 170,000m2: The Green Infrastructure area was 168,000m2: The saving by going for a really natural landscape to our JBA blueprint was – £1,848,000. Handy additional profit – yes? Just by going Natural! That's a saving of £11/m2 but the areas are large and multiplies the savings – just by going for our ‘High Biodiversity’; design approach to open space. We save more by applying a rationale of Customer Value Evaluation to
the ornamental plot landscape areas too, saving even more – but for a better impact.
On a recent scheme that we re-designed after a design value advisory review of another firms scheme, we saved £22.45/m2 on 9016m2 of POS + 250 plots, (that’s just over £200k), so If JBA can save you £’s like that – our already competitive fees are the bargain of the century – a ‘No-brainer!’
In essence – it pays to Go Natural and you’ll go wild at the results!! But like everything, the devil is in the detail: How many sites with wildflower have you seen end up a weedy mess? It does not
have to be this way: It can look really great – with the right green team, the right know-how and spec’ – its not very difficult and actually saves money!
James Blake Associates has the proven specifications to deliver ‘Natural’ – the right way – the fast way – first time and for massive impact.
Plots still need ornamental species, but flowering species help sales as much as they help wildlife. The key here is contrasting colours, leaves and forms for maximum impact – in locations it will
have visual impact and value. This rigour ensures judicious planting, avoiding excessive and costly planting of little value, ensuring better impact for less cost.
Start saving time, hassle and money – call me James Blake or my team:
Director of Landscape – Elzbieta Zebrowska
Team leader – Landscape Planning and Strategy – Abby Jones
Team leader – Landscape Design – Cherry
Principal Arborist – Peter Brais
Head of Ecology – Sam Rigg
On (01284) 335797. In fact call now to discuss how we can deliver on our promise for your next
project to review an existing one.