Life (and Business) After Covid19
Once or twice in a lifetime, something happens to change the world.
The world’s smallest organism has just had the biggest impact on our lives. Many of us, me included, have felt the sadness of loved ones lost. We live with the anxiety of a latent and lurking danger, the spooky ‘weirded-out’ sensation on travelling out and about, a numbing threat of a depression, so suddenly after the economy had been fairly buoyant, and yet there is still quite a lot of business still going on.
We at James Blake Associates have been working really quite well from home, and although my hair looks like the wreck of the Hespus – it will at least never be as bad as Boris’! After his clear-as-mud briefing last week, my office manager has organised the re-opening of the office, in case anyone would prefer to use its facilities.
I will however, not be insisting on anyone working in the office right now, and so our ‘super green team’ are now being super green by largely working from home. My message is that we will get through this hiatus and come out stronger, better and greener.
Stay safe & positive!
James Blake