Indian Summer Return Heralds Winter
By the 8th October, a Scandinavian high will migrate south & west for little vacation before winter bites: That’s good for us in October, because it will bring dry air, soft mellow sunshine, blue skies and mellow fruitfulness, like a vaccination against the
dark days of cold to come. We all need a shot of sunshine. As the high pulls in air from the Atlantic, first we will see cloud wrapping around it like it’s Christmas paper. As the high recedes – the gates are opened to the artic cold, gathering silently for
a few weeks now, and from the 17th northern areas will feel the first bite of winter’s breath, but the plunge continues: A foretaste of winter? Sometimes early cold can herald a mild winter, but remember 2010? That’s when it did the opposite.
dark days of cold to come. We all need a shot of sunshine. As the high pulls in air from the Atlantic, first we will see cloud wrapping around it like it’s Christmas paper. As the high recedes – the gates are opened to the artic cold, gathering silently for
a few weeks now, and from the 17th northern areas will feel the first bite of winter’s breath, but the plunge continues: A foretaste of winter? Sometimes early cold can herald a mild winter, but remember 2010? That’s when it did the opposite.
Plan some time this coming weekend to enjoy the Indian Summer’s last simmers and soak in some sun on a nice country walk before we all get soaked by rain and the first wintriness to flirt with the Scottish Highlands of winter 21/22.
Its a good time to mow the lawn for the last time, dead head herbaceous plants and tidy, or get a load of logs stacked in a covered corner for the fire. Or stuff that and go out for a nice walk, because you can do the chores in the gloom later. Although you’ll
want to mow the lawn before you go – because mowing a wet lawn is never good for either lawn nor mower.
#countryside #october2021